
Satoshi Tajima

I participated in CODE BLUE 2018 held from Oct 29, 2018, to Nov 02, 2018, and challenged the Smart Contract Hacking Challenge presented by PolySwarm. As a result, I solved it in 1st place, so I publish its WriteUp. Background When I started to solve it, I … Am interested in Crypto Currency and have traded that on some exchanges. Study Smart Contract as a hobby and understand the overview. Never written code for Smart Contract by myself or used it practically.

Satoshi Tajima

This graph represents network traffic of a server. Concrete figures have been masked, however, it can be seen that network traffic volume is gradually increasing over several weeks. This article provides that how to investigate network traffic breakdown using tshark. What is tshark tshark is a CUI equivalent of Wireshark. If you are using RHEL-based distribution, You can use tshark by installing wireshark package. This article was written with Tshark 1.